Create your Facebook™ Ads with more purpose, strategy, and effectiveness. 
Get instant access to your program!
If you're feeling frustrated with your Facebook™ Ads, spending more money and getting fewer sales… You're ready to up level your product-based business without giving all of your money to Zuckerberg and posting on social media 24/7 --- 
Sign up and take this 5-Day Challenge NOW!
  • Feel overwhelmed by the Facebook ad Manager and not sure where to even begin? I'll walk you step-by-step through the process of setting up your ads as well as sharing with you an overview of the Ad Manager. 
  • Looking for an easier way to grow your product-based business without spending hours on your organic social media content? Getting visibility and reaching your dream customers through Facebook™ Ads is much quicker than scheduling social media content and using 30 hashtags and still getting 0 sales. This process is going to help you to generate sales every single day on autopilot.
In Just FIVE DAYS of implementing this simple strategy, you'll
Great course to understand how to create ads and more importantly create audiences. This is what I struggled with previously. Thanks Ash.
Monique - Tea With Wolves
This week has been mind blowing. I've put marketing on Facebook off for so long as it's just been too daunting, but Ash has totally diminished those fears. Her content is amazing and just the process leading up to the course has really impressed me so much. She shares so much of her years of knowledge and expertise. Don't hesitate to do this week with Ash! You won't regret it. It's absolutely fabulous. Thanks Ash.
  • If you have a Shopify E-Commerce store
  • You MUST have a Facebook™ Pixel on your website
  • Email CRM - Mailchimp, Klaviyo or similar
  • Facebook™ and Instagram™ Social Media Accounts
  • Facebook™ Business Manager Account & Facebook Business Ad Account
While not having a comprehensive view of Facebook Ads, I thought I had enough of an idea to 'follow-my-nose' and put some ads together. Which I did. With zero results.
Until I worked with Ash, I had no idea what I didn't know. The odds are stacked against you, and the only way you can improve your odds are with knowledge. Knowledge of strategy, composition, messaging and targeting are all so important. Then there are integrations and tracking and tying everything in together with your website and emails and analytics! Ash has a holistic approach and puts all those puzzle pieces together. Now I have a much better understanding, my Facebook Ads are more purposeful, strategic and effective.
Rachel, Reusable Planet
DAY 1: Choosing your product that is guaranteed to resonate with your audience and choose the audience you're going to reach. (I have a list of Detailed Interests already created in a list for you!)
DAY 2: Build your ads that will gain visibility on your product and brand. I'll show you each step and how to start getting results even with a small budget of $5 per day. Yes, you'll have live ads in 2 days!
DAY 3: Understanding the Ad Dashboard and customising the reporting columns so that you can easily see the key metrics when you check on your ads. Say goodby to overwhelm.
DAY 4: Create a retargeting campaign to get back in front of your website traffic, social media following and to maximise sales.
DAY 5: How to take what you've learnt and scale the campaigns!
Join The Facebook Ad Challenge Now